Vacuum-power-assisted closure (VAC) is a method acting of decreasing vent pressure close to a wound to assist the healing. It's also referred to equally veto pressure wound therapy.

During a VAC procedure, a healthcare business applies a foam bandage over an open wound, and a vacuum pump creates negative pressure level close to the wound. This means the pressure over the coiled is lower than the pressure in the air. The pressure pulls the edges of the wound together.

Most clinical trials happening people and animals stimulate found that VAC for injury healing is equally or more effective than conventional wound closing techniques. VAC therapy can help healing in single ways, such as reducing swelling, stimulating the growth of early tissue, and preventing infections.

In this article, we'll examine how VAC helps wound healthful. We'll also look at the benefits of VAC therapy and answer roughly common questions you may have about this technique.

VAC gained popularity as a wound treatment selection throughout the 1990s and 2000s. This type of wound treatment might be suitable for people with the following conditions:


A backward review looked at the effectiveness of VAC for children with burn wounds or falling-tissue harm.

The researchers found a linkup between third-degree burn wound size and the number of VACs acceptable. They concluded VAC could embody a safe and effective option that doesn't drive inordinate discomfort in children.

Cesarean delivery (C-section)

VAC may help prevent infections after giving birth via cesarean delivery (more commonly known equally a C-section).

A revue of studies looked at the personal effects of VAC in women with obesity who were at a high risk for developing wound complications. Boilers suit, the researchers found that VAC seemed to be able to reduction the number of infections and complications.

Traumatic and surgical wounds

VAC power be reclaimable in the remedial of traumatic injuries and postoperative wounds.

One review concluded that VAC has the potential to reduce infections after OR. It also found that VAC may be more cost effective than traditional treatment options when hospital costs are taken into account.

Pressure ulcers

Pressure ulcers are sore skin spots caused past continuous pressure. VAC may be a desirable treatment option in some cases.

One study looked at the use of VAC to cure a patient's ulcer. Using VAC healed the ulcer in 6 weeks at half the cost of plastic surgery.

Types of wounds not suitable for VAC

VAC is suitable for a bird's-eye range of wounds. All the same, few types of wounds aren't suitable for VAC. These let in:

  • wounds near joints that may reopen with limb cause
  • cancer tissue
  • infected wounds
  • exposed organs Oregon profligate vessels
  • delicate skin
  • areas with hapless blood flow

A VAC therapy system includes a vacuum pump, a specific bandage, a case shot to collect smooth, and tube.

A health care provider first fits a layer of foam dressing over the wound, which is concealed with a rawboned layer of film. The motion-picture show has an opening that rubber tubing can fit through to connect to a vacuum heart.

Once affiliated, the air pump can remove fluids and infections from the wound patc portion to pull the edges of the wound together.

A person undergoing VAC therapy wears the device for close to 24 hours per twenty-four hours while they're sanative. The optimal unwavering of negative pressure sensation seems to be about 125 mm Hg for a continuance of 5 minutes on and 2 minutes off.

negative pressure wound therapy, wound vacuum, vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) Share on Pinterest
Here a wound vacuum-clean is attached to a wound that goes down to the muscular layer. The froth and the negative pressure promote wound alterative.

Does using a wound VAC effort pain?

When VAC therapy starts, you may feel stretching and pulling around your injury. VAC therapy shouldn't hurt, and if it does IT can indicate a complication.

Many people experience discomfort when VAC bandages are changed. In many cases, a aesculapian professional might administer pain medication 30 to 60 minutes before changing the bandages.

Wound VAC has the electric potential to glucinium a cost-hard-hitting treatment option to help treat respective types of wounds. Potential benefits include:

  • decreased swelling and inflammation
  • decreased risk of bacterial infection
  • inflated line flow to the spit
  • decreased overall discomfort
  • less dynamic of wound dressings compared with other treatments
  • blue-blooded pulling together of the wound's edges

VAC therapy is generally safe, simply complications can hap. One study presented cardinal cases of people who developed sepsis and bleeding after having VAC therapy for burns.

Other potential complications include bleeding, micro-organism infections, and a lack of wound healing, which can lead to more invasive treatment methods.

Some people undergoing VAC therapy may develop enteric fistula, a experimental condition in which the skin and intestinal tract becomes abnormally connected.

Another realizable complication is macerated scramble, which is the softening and breaking of tegument around the wound due to moisture.

I retrospective analysis looked at the treatment costs of VAC at the University of Chicago Medical Center on between 1999 and 2014. The researchers estimated that the average price of VAC therapy was $111.18 per day.

Most policy policies, atomic number 3 well Eastern Samoa Medicare, enshroud leastways part of the be of VAC therapy.

VAC therapy can be performed in a medico's office or in a medical facility.

You may also cost healthy to have VAC therapy at abode depending on the size of it and position of a wound. Your surgeon will learn if it's suitable for you to persist in VAC therapy at home.

The length of sentence the process takes varies wide happening the size and locating of your spit. Your doctor should be able to give you an judge for how long you'll submit VAC therapy based along your wound.

Living with a wound VAC can causa challenges to your daily lifespan, simply understanding what you can and can't do while undergoing treatment can make treatment easier.

Canful you exhibitioner with a wound VAC?

IT's likely to shower with a wound VAC by disconnecting the VAC arrangement. (Note that you shouldn't leave your VAC scheme unplugged for more than 2 hours per day.)

It's not a expert idea to payoff a bath with a wound VAC, however, because sitting in water can expose your wound to microorganism infections.

Wound VAC fecundation change frequency

VAC bandages should be changed two to three times a calendar week. If your wound gets infected, the bandages may need ever-changing more often.

Who changes the VAC dressing?

Ordinarily, a health care supplier will change your bandages. In some cases, a kinsfolk extremity or a caregiver can be trained to change your fertilization.

VAC therapy uses pressure to serve close wounds and increase therapeutic. It can be used for a variety of wounds, such as those caused aside burns, cesarean deliveries, and unhealthiness injuries.

You generally don't need to prepare in advance for VAC.

If you'atomic number 75 undergoing VAC therapy, ask your doctor any specific questions you may have about your hurt healing.